Spring Ephemerals: Marsh Marigold, Prairie Violet, Winter Cress
MARSH MARIGOLD (Caltha palustris) Looking for gifts of “gold” in the beauty of nature? Look no further than the perky, yellow...

Sing Me The Blues
The Blues are playing as I write this and serenading my confused, tender heart - bruised and battered from life's journey. I look out at...

Spring Ephemerals: Blood Root
"Here Today...Gone Tomorrow" The word "ephemeral" means short-lived or lasting for a brief time. In the case of spring flowering...

Prairie Burn
“To rise, first you must burn.” ― Hiba Fatima Ahmad In April, I had the unique opportunity of witnessing and photographing a prairie burn...

I believe tears are sacred. As a culture, we tend to stuff them down - view them as a sign of weakness. Nature teaches us otherwise....