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Coming Back to Simplicity

Photo: Bolz Conservatory @ Olbrich Botanical Gardens

“Simplicity reveals the pure beauty of life.”

~ Debasish Mridha

Words to reflect on at a time of year when the focus can often shift to expectations of "more, bigger, better, brighter" and comparing our reality with what the holidays "should" feel like or look like!

For many of us, the holiday season can bring up a lot of difficult emotions along with the joyous ones. I'm trying to remember to steer it back to the little things and small moments, the magic in the ordinary, and gratitude for what is rather than angst over the "could's" and "should's" of picture-perfect holiday expectations.

May we remember to extend gentle love and compassion to ourselves over this upcoming holiday season - on the good days and most especially, the not-so-good ones!

"I have just three things to teach:

simplicity, patience, compassion.

These three are your greatest treasures."

~ Lao Tzu

Photos: Bolz Conservatory @ Olbrich Botanical Gardens


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