The Healing Spiral
“Progress has not followed a straight ascending line,
but a spiral with rhythms of progress and retrogression,
of evolution and dissolutio
Coming Back to Simplicity
“Simplicity reveals the pure beauty of life.” ~ Debasish Mridha
Notice the Good Things
Practice actively noticing the beauty around you everyday...
The Sprout
We all have days when we feel tired and discouraged. Should we stay the course, take the next step, or has the time come to give up on...
A Brighter Tomorrow: The Crocus
When it seems like winter will never lose its icy-cold grip, the dainty crocus pushes up through the snow to put on a show of colorful...
Early Bearer of Color: Cornelius Cherry
With the arrival of spring come the first tentative blossoms. For trees, the Cornelian Cherries are one of the earliest bearers of color,...
Bringer of Hope: The Gentle Snowdrop
The lovely, white snowdrop with it's tiny pearl-like buds is one of the first flowers to appear in the spring. Sometimes they may not...
Origami Masterpieces: Ranunculus
Spring is in the air today! Here's a little taste of what's coming as spring unfolds - beautiful Ranunculus from the Spring Flower Show...
Nature's Gifts...
Quote by Kahlil Gibran Take time to appreciate nature's gifts in the upcoming week. Go outside and find comfort in the little things of...
Soul Medicine...
Take time to appreciate the warmer temps and slow awakening of Spring in this upcoming week - let the warmth nourish your soul. Accepting...