The Healing Spiral
“Progress has not followed a straight ascending line,
but a spiral with rhythms of progress and retrogression,
of evolution and dissolutio

Coming Back to Simplicity
“Simplicity reveals the pure beauty of life.” ~ Debasish Mridha

Pope Farm Conservancy: Sunflower Days
I usually avoid popular, busy hiking spots during the peak summer season, preferring the peaceful solitude and silent tranquility of...

Milkweed: The Monarch's Friend
I came across these wildflower beauties while hiking at Steinke Basin in Devil's Lake State Park in Baraboo, WI. The milkweed flower...

Early Bearer of Color: Cornelius Cherry
With the arrival of spring come the first tentative blossoms. For trees, the Cornelian Cherries are one of the earliest bearers of color,...

Dahlia Delights
It appears that Old Man Winter is planning on sticking around in Wisconsin after yesterday's storm, with snow on the ground and colder...

Spring Ephemerals: Marsh Marigold, Prairie Violet, Winter Cress
MARSH MARIGOLD (Caltha palustris) Looking for gifts of “gold” in the beauty of nature? Look no further than the perky, yellow...

Textures of Life...
"Like a great poet, Nature knows how to produce the greatest effects with the most limited means." ~ Heinrich Heine GROUNDCHERRY POD...

Willow Pinecone Gall
What is this interesting botanical object, you may ask? A fuzzy pinecone growing on the end of a branch? My research revealed one of...

Harbinger of Spring
Pussy willow is the common name used to identify willows (North American Salix discolor) that bare soft fuzzy buds or catkins on leafless...