Six Interesting Facts About Dragonflies
I have a special affinity for dragonflies! In many parts of the world, the dragonfly symbolizes change and transformation. To me, they've...

A Brighter Tomorrow: The Crocus
When it seems like winter will never lose its icy-cold grip, the dainty crocus pushes up through the snow to put on a show of colorful...

Hope Shines Through the Darkness
Even though it is early March, and no doubt some colder days and a snow storm or two still lies ahead, the temperatures have warmed up...

A Blessing for the New Year
A Blessing for the New Year by Kayleen Asbo As the hours of darkness begin to slowly wane from the winter sky, So too may the fearful...

Honor the Old | Embrace the New
It has been a dormant 2016 for me thus far. No flush of new year's activity. I've been taking time to grieve for so much that was lost...

One of the things I struggle most with in life, is believing in myself. I've always experienced life somewhat as an outsider looking in,...

Letting Go: A Noble Art
It's been nearly 5 months since my last Blog post. Five long months. This past year has been very intense and stressful - lots of...

Sing Me The Blues
The Blues are playing as I write this and serenading my confused, tender heart - bruised and battered from life's journey. I look out at...

Willow Pinecone Gall
What is this interesting botanical object, you may ask? A fuzzy pinecone growing on the end of a branch? My research revealed one of...

Harbinger of Spring
Pussy willow is the common name used to identify willows (North American Salix discolor) that bare soft fuzzy buds or catkins on leafless...