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Do You Have Rushing Syndrome?

Photo by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

We don't live in a culture that reveres stillness...success is most often measured by how busy, noisy and "full" our lives and our schedules are, by how many different directions we are pulled in. I don't think I have ever fully bought into this ideal, but when I was younger I allowed myself to be swept up by the pressure to conform to it. Now, I find myself asking the question, "does this kind of lifestyle serve me well?". And the answer is, "not nearly as much as I may have thought".

The older I get, the more I find deep contentment in stillness and I embrace the process of slowing down - even though it goes against the grain. Sure, I still feel the pressure of the culture around me to stay busy, do more, have every second accounted for. But I am more likely to respond without guilt to the inner yearning that pulls me in the opposite direction. "Do less", it says, "Just be".

If you feel the tug to slow down instead of speed up, you may appreciate these 11 Easy Ways To Slow Down & Find Balance.

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