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The Power of Intention

"Ring the Bells" by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

"Choose your intention carefully and then practice holding your consciousness to it,

so it becomes the guiding light in your life." ~ John Roger

We live in a results-driven culture, where success is measured by setting and meeting goals. If you've ever worked in corporate America, you are probably familiar with the S.M.A.R.T acronym, which reminds us that our goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time based. I've set, and achieved, many SMART goals in my lifetime. And yet, for me, there is something missing from the SMART approach to goal-setting.

As an ever-recovering perfectionist, my SMART goals inevitably seem to set me up for "failure". Either I fail because I don't achieve the specific outcome I have attached myself to, or I achieve the desired outcome and it never feels good enough. When I am in this mindset, instead of relishing moments of accomplishment, I am always driven to "up-the-ante". The next achievement has to be bigger, better, sooner. This can be a very exhausting process. Recently I learned a different way to approach goals - one that feels humbler, kinder and gentler to me.

"Sankalpa" is a sanskrit (ancient language) word meaning "resolution or resolve". In short, a sankalpa is a personal declaration of intent. Setting a sankalpa is about connecting with your most heartfelt desires and deepest life aspirations and about asking not only what you want to achieve, but WHY. It is more about BEING than about doing. It resonates with me, because I believe very deeply that the intentions behind our actions matter!

Here are some simple guidelines I learned for creating a sankalpa (e..g. "I am at peace with myself")

  • Get quiet, go within and reflect on the deeper values that drive your wants and desires.

  • Don't ask yourself to fundamentally change who you are, but rather to connect with your true nature.

  • State your intention in the present tense (I "am", versus I "will" or I "want to").

  • Keep it short and simple.

  • Keep coming back to your sankalpa everyday. This allows you to connect your moment-to-moment choices with your deepest intentions.

At the beginning of the year, I set my personal sankalpas for the upcoming year. One month later, they have already helped guide and influence my choices and actions. It turns out, for me, the power of intention is a smart alternative!

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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
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