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Simple Pleasures...

"Simple Pleasures" by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

May you find great joy this week in simple pleasures.

I came across this article by Stacy London, former host of the TV show "What Not to Wear", that really struck a chord with me. She shares the unexpected discoveries that came with slowing down for the first time in a decade. Her insights on our culture, where we are always expected to be "on" and where our "following" determines our worth and value (both personally and commercially), are really thought-provoking!

I was deeply moved and inspired by the work of Jim Chapman, a professional photographer and writer who shares Nature's beauty, wisdom and inspiration through images and words.

Writer Joshua Becker explores the benefits of rest and why intentionally setting aside regular time for rest is a practice that has become undervalued and underappreciated in today’s culture.

Let the beauty of some of Earth's most spectacular vistas inspire your yoga practice, courtesy of Spirituality & Health magazine. Eoin Finn, surfer and yogi, guides you through a grounding and meditative yoga series that will help you celebrate the beauty of this planet we call home.

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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
Shop for greeting cards, matted, framed and canvas nature prints


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