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"Soul Blossoms" by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

Take time to notice and enjoy the spring blossoms awakening all around you this week!

I do a great deal of wrestling with my inner critic, so I'm intrigued by a book entitled Tiny Buddha's Guide to Loving Yourself! One reviewer has this to say, "Reading Lori Deschene's new book is like listening to a good friend who reminds you of who you are when you need to hear it the most. Deschene and her contributors write about real-life situations with real-life solutions and they do it with the same unflinching honesty that has made so popular. If you are ever hard on yourself—and who isn't—you need to read this book.”

With spring's arrival, I get to indulge in one of my favorite pasttimes - digging in the dirt! Although I am usually planting my garden with daytime enjoyment in mind, this interesting article has suggestions for plants that will allow you to enjoy your garden's gifts by moonlight on those balmy summer nights coming up. As the article reminds us, "A whole other world exists in the light of a moon-filled night that few of us even notice."

I enjoyed this article by New York Times columnist, Tim Kreider. He considers how we wear "busy-ness" as a badge of honor in our culture. I am reminded of this whenever I try to schedule a get-together with others. Even just meeting one other person for lunch often involves the herculean task of finding matching open slots on two schedules. Sometimes it gets so difficult to schedule something, that I don't even want to try. The solution, Tim suggests, is simple: "Life is too short to be busy."

This excerpt from The Exercise Cure by Jordan D. Metzl, MD, immediately caught my attention. I have become increasingly concerned about the amount of time that I spend sitting in front of the computer. Dr Metzl talks about building more NEAT into our lives — nonexercise activity thermogenesis — "In other words, getting up and moving around, at an easy pace, as often as possible, for as long as possible!"

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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
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