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Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer...

"Rest is not Idleness" by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

I hope you'll find the time in the upcoming week for some of Summer's pure and simple pleasures - visit a farm and pick-your-own strawberries, go for a drive in the country and enjoy the cloud formations in the wide, open skies; sit under the shade of an old, sheltering tree; kick off your shoes and walk barefoot on the soft, green grass; go jump in a lake to cool off on a hot, sweaty day...

I am usually a huge proponent of balance. I also try to be open to new ideas and different ways of looking at things - at least, some of the time! This article challenged me to think about balance in a different way; to consider how pursuing your passions, those things that light you up inside, often results in "imbalance" and that maybe this is not such a bad thing? See what you think.

Alexa Keefe is the editor of Photo of the Day, a curated look at photography around National Geographic. Enjoy this collection that she put together of some of her favorite nature shots submitted to National Geographic in May.

Jennifer Pastiloff is a yoga teacher, writer, and advocate for children with special needs, based in L.A. She encourages us to pause more often and provides a catchy name for something I struggle to manage every day - I.I.C. (Incessant Internal Chatter).

"The more we can bring the outdoors in, through plants, windows, and pictures of nature, the happier and healthier we’ll be."

Last week I mentioned my love for bringing nature inside, so I can be surrounded by the healing essence of the natural world even while indoors. My home is filled with a wide assortment of natural "goodies" - plants, flowers, pine cones and pine needles, feathers, rocks and stones, branches and seed pods. This great article shares why bringing nature indoors is a great idea and provides practical tips to inspire you.

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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
Shop for greeting cards, matted, framed and canvas nature prints


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