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"Essence of Me" Photo Collage

I love capturing the essence of the natural world through my camera lens. Usually I'm the one behind the camera, but in this photo collage I compiled photos that others have taken of me that I think best tells my story and reveals the essence of who I am.

Nature nourishes and sustains me. It is the one place where I truly feel that I belong.

I enjoy the feel of grass underneath me.

Picnic, anyone? One of my favorite activities!

I enjoy connecting with life and people on a deep level. I am so much better at meaningful one-on-one conversations than social chit-chat.

Chicago, IL

No remedy like a fine glass of wine with a dear friend!

Dubuque, Iowa

My angel, Coco, who I miss every day...her doggie kisses, especially!

North Carolina

My BFF and hubbie, Keith...don't know where I'd be without him.

Agadir, Morocco
Green Lake, Wisconsin
St Lucia, Caribbean

I feel most alive when I travel - it opens me up to new sights, sounds, experiences, people and attitudes.

Zion National Park, Utah
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Good food makes me happy!

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Someday I'd like to get on the road without any destination in mind and just enjoy the ride.

St Lucia, Caribbean

It's important to me to live my life with intention and not on automatic-pilot; to make time for contemplation & to listen to my soul's guidance.

Nelson Dewey State Park, Wisconsin
St Lucia, Caribbean
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

I've always enjoyed being around water, especially waterfalls.

St Lucia, Caribbean
Chicago, IL
Dominican Republic, Caribbean
St Lucia, Caribbean
St Lucia, Caribbean

Sometimes I get buried under the darkness of depression & anxiety. Time & time again I must trust in the light that is always there to shine again when it is ready.

Yoga teaches me that I am stronger than I think - both on and off the mat!

Sedona, Arizona

Facing and conquering my fears is freeing & exhilirating and reminds me how brave I am at my core.

Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic, Caribbean
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Costa Rica

Some of my happiest moments are when I embrace my inner kid!

St Lucia, Caribbean
St Lucia, Caribbean

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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
Shop for greeting cards, matted, framed and canvas nature prints


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