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On Assignment: Dorothy's Grange

For the next couple of months, I have the opportunity to be a part of life on a 50-acre farm nestled in the rolling hills and valleys of beautiful Southwest Wisconsin. During a time of upheaval and uncertainty in my own life, the sights and sounds of The Grange are a daily respite from the worries circling around in my head. I look forward to sharing my journey here through photographs.

I'll start with "Meet Maggie". Maggie is a Rhode Island Red and she is a beauty. Formerly known only as "Chicken", she was christenened by a group of kids who decided she needed a new name :-) Currently Maggie is the only chicken on the farm. While she waits to be joined soon by a new brood of mates, she hangs out with the pigs and wanders around like she owns the place! We caught her sitting up on the riding lawnmower in the garage and have been told that guests have left the farm only to notice that a chicken is riding along in the car with them!

I am very pleased to have made Maggie's acquaintance.

"Meet Maggie" by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

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You can check out more information about The Grange, located in Blanchardville, Wisconsin at:


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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
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