Coming Unplugged!
Freshly returned from a spontaneous road trip to the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota, I'm reminded of one of my favorite quotes:...

Finding Sanctuary
“Sanctuary, on a personal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul.” ~ Christopher Forrest McDowell "Soul Full...

The Virtues of Rest
For many, Sundays serve as a rest stop before another week of work and productivity begins. Just like pausing at a bench placed along a...

Magic Lost | Magic Found
Depression robs you of many things: self-esteem, joy, mental focus, motivation to mention just a few. But the thing that saddens me the...

My Zen Master
"Whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.” ― Max Ehrmann, Desiderata : A Poem for...

Quiet Time
February is best known for it's famous holiday, Valentine's Day. But did you know that February also has a day devoted to slowing things...

Gift From The Sea
The course of our lives are often significantly changed by the greatest challenges that we face. The most difficult experiences of my...

Give Your Monkey Mind a Rest!
A powerful tool that I learned to use to manage my depression and anxiety, is how to "get out of my head" by focusing on the present...