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Ode to A Deer

"Ode to a Deer" by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

One of my favorite things about living in the country, is how much closer I am to nature in my everyday life. I am frequently reminded that I share the earth with many other species and I feel more like a co-journer travelling alongside them than the dominant one.

Ode to a Deer

Do not run away and please do not fear me

Although if you did fear me, I would comprehend-

Whether is it the force of evil that sears the soul of every human-

The loud and strident words that emanate from the moral fiber inside of us?

I was born under a different star- the steps I take are muted-

You are standing still; I can still see you nearby-I am a loner within a crowded world, and

Solitude is my way of life- to some, a forlorn existence, but to me a blessing-

Your silky coat and your antlers, tall and so delicate, and

Your legs are brawny yet graceful-

Are your soulful eyes now fixed upon my countenance, or

Are you now looking about the forest, your home, your place of birth?

I have abandoned crowds, tall buildings and cars rushing up and down highways,

I am seeking refuge here amongst nature and all of its mysterious glory-

Somewhere along my course of life,

I have tripped, fallen and somehow never grew to be part of the

Populated world to which nearly everyone awakens?

I say, "Do not fear me"- I am different from those who dwell in that madding crowd-

I am more like you than you could imagine-

Frightened of loud and unfamiliar noises and

Feeling more at home amongst trees, mountains, grass and wildflowers,

My wish is to become a deer as you are, although

I am human in my appearance, inside, God created me differently-

Losing myself inside the world of my thoughts and fantasies,

I shall approach you and we can dash through the forest together,

Never to see cars, or people fighting, and

Never to hear sirens, shouting or any city noises-

Let us run further and further away together, running until we find a place-

That place where silence rules except for the sounds of an autumn breeze

Rustling the leaves upon the trees and water rushing up and down a nearby creek-

Do not fear, we shall be safe, my heart beats with love of nature, not with rage-although

I still ask myself- what has this world outside of here come to?

Someplace in this course of life-something went astray - I shall never understand-

But it will not matter if we gallop lightly together and make our escape-

We have the woodlands, all of their magical splendor and

I have turned an imaginary key and locked the doors of misfortune behind us-

What matters is what exists inside our minds, souls and thoughts,

As we shall have one another,

Let the car engines roar and let millions of people jabber and shout-

I cannot hear them and I no longer fear them- I wish upon the stars above-

My world shall be what I make it, despite where I was born-

I sing with the birds and in my own way I fly with them-joyfully because

After much searching and wishing upon those stars- I have found a home…

~ By Claudia Krizay

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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
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