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Spring is Coming!

"No winter lasts forever; No spring skips it's turn" ~ Hal Borland

"Apple Blossoms" by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

February can be a difficult month - we are so tired of the inconvenience and cold of Old Man Winter and impatient for the arrival of spring and it's promise of new life. The last weeks of winter, though, can offer us a time for reflection, before the buzz of activity that lies ahead. They can also remind us that no matter how dormant life has been, there is always the promise of new growth. Therein lies great solace and hope, to help us get through even the darkest, coldest of days.

Sheryl Paul has counseled thousands of people worldwide through periods of transition, and she has this to say about nature's lesson to us:

"There is a reason [nature] lies dormant and invites us to do the same. Just as the body requires sleep in order to recharge, so the soul requires quiet times to turn inward and regenerate...It may look like nothing is happening, but sometimes the most profound layers of growth occur underground...the bulbs are sending down their shoots. The seeds are resting, harnessing their potential. And we lie fallow, watching for the birth of the next stage, the inner spring that is never far away."

So, let's follow nature's advice and rest up, because before we know it we'll be needing all our stored reserves for the work of spring.

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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
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