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A Dose of Inspiration...

"Frosty Joy"by Soul Full Sanctuary Photography

Sharing a small dose of winter soul medicine for the upcoming week!

Over 30 years ago, Daniel Gottlieb suffered a traumatic injury that left him a quadriplegic. In the decades since, he has been learning valuable lessons about what it means to be human and how adversity can teach us how to live better and love better. The essence of his philosophy can be found on his business card. After his name there are no degrees and no fancy titles. His card simply says “Gottlieb. Human.”

In his latest book, he takes readers on an enlightening journey toward a sense of well-being. He offers his thoughts on breaking patterns and habits, calming the unquiet mind, reconnecting with our emotions and our bodies, living in the moment, discovering that ineffable “something” that defines who we are—and above all, the importance of love.

A visionary of nature’s allures and mysteries, celebrated filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg has made it his life’s mission to use his cinematic artistry to bring nature’s wonders into all our lives. Traveling through portals of time and space, revealing what is too slow, too fast, too small and too vast for the human eye to see, we experience the connections and oneness, of a living Universe.

In this video clip, the American Buddhist nun and author Pema Chödrön talks to Bill Moyers about the value of not only powering down our electronic devices but also quieting the racing mind. “You quickly learn that distractions are not just phone calls and emails. Our own mind and our longings, our cravings and our fantasies are also major distractions,” Chödrön says.

An interview with noted landscape designer, Jan Johnsen, in anticipation of the upcoming release of her latest book. She talks about her passion for creating outdoor havens for our spirit and how her forty years of practice in landscape architecture has taught her that gardens not only inspire and delight but also impart a sense of well-being, offer respite, and induce feelings of renewal to those who visit and simply sit awhile.

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" Sanctuary, on a peronal level, is where we perform the job of taking care of our soul."

~Christopher Forrest  McDowell  

Southwest Wisconsin based nature photographer, ​specializing in healing nature photography, nature close-ups & Wisconsin landscapes
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