Branch Art
One of my favorite subjects to photograph at this time of year and throughout the winter months, are the bare branches of trees....

Magic Lost | Magic Found
Depression robs you of many things: self-esteem, joy, mental focus, motivation to mention just a few. But the thing that saddens me the...

Spring Ephemerals: Marsh Marigold, Prairie Violet, Winter Cress
MARSH MARIGOLD (Caltha palustris) Looking for gifts of “gold” in the beauty of nature? Look no further than the perky, yellow...

Spring Ephemerals: Blood Root
"Here Today...Gone Tomorrow" The word "ephemeral" means short-lived or lasting for a brief time. In the case of spring flowering...

First Wildflower Sighting of 2015
I went hiking with my husband yesterday along the Stephens Falls Trail at Governor Dodge State Park and came across my first Spring...

Willow Pinecone Gall
What is this interesting botanical object, you may ask? A fuzzy pinecone growing on the end of a branch? My research revealed one of...

Harbinger of Spring
Pussy willow is the common name used to identify willows (North American Salix discolor) that bare soft fuzzy buds or catkins on leafless...

I often find myself torn between "doing" and "being". Somehow as adults, we are taught to feel guilty if we are not being productive. I...

Enjoy the Moment...
It's hard to believe that June has already flown by and that the July 4th holiday is already behind us! Summer is often such a whirlwind...

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer...
I hope you'll find the time in the upcoming week for some of Summer's pure and simple pleasures - visit a farm and pick-your-own...