I often find myself torn between "doing" and "being". Somehow as adults, we are taught to feel guilty if we are not being productive. I...

Enjoy the Moment...
It's hard to believe that June has already flown by and that the July 4th holiday is already behind us! Summer is often such a whirlwind...

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer...
I hope you'll find the time in the upcoming week for some of Summer's pure and simple pleasures - visit a farm and pick-your-own...

Fresh Eyes
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes" ~ Marcel Proust, French novelist I love...

Take time to notice and enjoy the spring blossoms awakening all around you this week! 40 Ways to Transform Your Inner Critic and Your...

My Zen Master
"Whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.” ― Max Ehrmann, Desiderata : A Poem for...

Simple Pleasures...
May you find great joy this week in simple pleasures. A Culture of Extraordinary I came across this article by Stacy London, former host...

Time to Stand and Stare
Recently an old friend reminded me of a beautiful poem from our school days and I have been coming back to it again and again. It reminds...

Choose to Believe...in Yourself
In her blog, Assortment, Carmella Rayone shares how, as a result of back-to-back job losses and the real estate market crash of 2008, her...

Quiet Time
February is best known for it's famous holiday, Valentine's Day. But did you know that February also has a day devoted to slowing things...